
Zeyu Li

I am currently seeking internship opportunities or full-time positions. I am a Mater Student in Spatial Data Science at the University of Southern California. My under graduate major is Software Engineering. I have solid software engineer with exceptional programming, analytical and mathematical skills. High proficiency in Android and iOS mobile development, and web development using Java, Go, React, Spring, Hibernate, Vue, MongoDB and Firebase.

OnlineOrder: A Spring and Hibernate based online food ordering system.

Restful API, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Spring security, ReactJS, Ant Design,


Video Introduction | Code Details (frontend / backend)

  • Implemented Restful API via Spring MVC including registration, menu searching , ordering, and checkout.
  • Utilized Hibernate to access and operate the data storage(menu, restaurants etc.).
  • Provided both authentication and authorization via Spring security to protect the application from malicious attacks.
  • Used the Spring framework core technologies to loosely decouple all the components in the application.
  • Build the client side with ReactJS and Ant Design to allow users to add items to the shopping cart and place orders.

  • Around: a Cloud and React based Social Network

    React Router v4, JWT, Go, Google App Engine, Elasticsearch


    Video Introduction | Code Details (frontend / backend)


  • Designed and implemented a social network web application with React JS.
  • Implemented features for users to create and browse posts and support search nearby posts.
  • Improved the authentication using token based registration/login/logout flow with React Router v4 and server-side user authentication with JWT.
  • BackEnd
  • Launched a scalable web service in Go to handle posts and deployed to Google Cloud (Google App Engine).
  • Used ElasticSearch (deployed to GCE) to provide search functions such that users can search recent posts and list personal posts.

  • Tinnews: a Tinder-like News Recommendation App

    Google Component Architectural MVVM Pattern, JetPack navigation component, RESTFUL, Mindorks’s PlaceHolderView, Retrofit, Rxjava, newsapi.org


  • Designed the Instagram Flavor News app based on Google Component Architectural MVVM Pattern
  • Implemented the bottom bar & page navigation using JetPack navigation component.
  • Utilized Mindorks’s PlaceHolderView to support swipe gestures for liking/disliking the news.
  • Built the Room Database with LiveData & ViewModel to support local cache and offline model.
  • Integrated Retrofit and Rxjava to pull the latest news data from a RESTFUL endpoint (newsapi.org).

  • Starlink: React JS based Starlink Trajectory Visualization

    ReactJS, D3, Amazon Web Service


    Code Details

  • Designed and developed a visualization dashboard using ReactJS and D3 to track satellites in real-time based on geo-location.
  • Built location, altitude, and duration based selector to refine satellite search.
  • Animated selected satellite paths on a world map using D3 to improve the user-friendliness.
  • Deployed the dashboard to Amazon Web Service for demonstration